%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Список статей, опубликованных за период %% с января 1945 по июнь 2004, %% сославшихся на книги и статьи В.И. Вернадского. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% По нашим подсчетам, основанным на базе данных ISI Web of Science, за период с января 1945 по май 2004 гг. в реферируемых научных журналах, охваченных этой базой данных (а она включает и переводные советские журналы) было опубликовано только 1157 статей, ссылающихся на работы В.И. Вернадского (из 27 миллионов статей, попавших в эту базу данных!). Ниже мы приводим статистику для этих статей. Разумеется, в этот список не попали многие статьи, написанные по-русски. Но в отношении статей на английском языке, этому списку можно, нам кажется, вполне доверять. Что радует, в последние годы число цитирований работ Владимира Ивановича в иностранных журналах начинает понемногу расти. Впрочем, оно все-равно все еще остается чрезвычайно низким... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Распределение цитирований по годам: 1945 ( 4) 1965 ( 19) 1985 ( 25) 1946 ( 2) 1966 ( 21) 1986 ( 37) 1947 ( 7) 1967 ( 17) 1987 ( 15) 1948 ( 11) 1968 ( 9) 1988 ( 38) 1949 ( 10) 1969 ( 25) 1989 ( 26) 1950 ( 8) 1970 ( 16) 1990 ( 23) 1951 ( 10) 1971 ( 13) 1991 ( 28) 1952 ( 4) 1972 ( 22) 1992 ( 19) 1953 ( 11) 1973 ( 24) 1993 ( 28) 1954 ( 10) 1974 ( 21) 1994 ( 28) 1955 ( 7) 1975 ( 26) 1995 ( 30) 1956 ( 8) 1976 ( 20) 1996 ( 37) 1957 ( 7) 1977 ( 22) 1997 ( 37) 1958 ( 17) 1978 ( 21) 1998 ( 19) 1959 ( 14) 1979 ( 17) 1999 ( 38) 1960 ( 12) 1980 ( 30) 2000 ( 23) 1961 ( 7) 1981 ( 20) 2001 ( 30) 1962 ( 7) 1982 ( 31) 2002 ( 31) 1963 ( 12) 1983 ( 28) 2003 ( 22) 1964 ( 14) 1984 ( 30) 2004 ( 9) Total Article: 1157 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Распределение цитирований по журналам: 190 Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr 80 Geokhimiya 72 Zhurnal Obshchei Biol. 45 Geochem Int Engl Trans 42 Eurasian Soil Sci. 39 Vestn. Rossiiskoi Akad. Nauk 25 Sov Soil Sci 24 Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Biol 21 Vestn Akad Nauk Sssr 17 Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 16 Dokl. Akad. Nauk 15 Sov Soil Sci-Ussr 14 Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Geol 13 Russ. J. Ecol. 13 Okeanologiya 12 Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva 12 Z Angew Geol 11 Uspekhi Khimii 11 Oceanol Acad Sci Ussr 11 Ecol. Model. 10 Izv. Akad. Nauk Ser. Biol. 10 Dopov Akad Nauk Ukr Rsr B-Geo 10 Biofizika 9 Geol. Geofiz. 9 Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belarusi 8 Environ. Conserv. 8 Am. Miner. 7 Zhurnal Vyss. Nervn. Deyatelnosti Im. I P Pavlov. 7 Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii 7 Science 7 Dokl. Earth Sci. 7 Bioscience 6 Zool. Zhurnal 6 Vestn Akad Med Nauk Sssr 5 Zhurnal Neorg. Khimii 5 Microbiology 5 Klinicheskaya Meditsina 5 Izv. Akad. Nauk Seriya Biol. 5 Geochem. Int. 5 Biol. Bull 4 Zh Prikl Khim 4 Oceanology 4 Kristallografiya 4 J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. 4 Geotectonics-Engl Tr 4 Clim. Change 3 Tikhookean Geol 3 Soil Sci. 3 Radiochemistry 3 Phys Rev 3 Pedobiologia 3 Org. Geochem. 3 Kosm Biol Aviakosm Med 3 J Appl Chem-Engl Tr 3 J. Anal. Chem. 3 Ecol. Eng. 3 Ecol. Econ. 3 Bull Soc Fr Mineral Cristallo 3 Biol Morya 2 Zhurnal Fiz. Khimii 2 Z Geol Wissenschaft 2 Tectonophysics 2 Sedimentology 2 Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 2 Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 2 Russian J Phys Chem Ussr 2 Riv. Biol.-Biol. Forum 2 Radioteknika Elektron. 2 Q. Rev. Biol. 2 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B-Biol. Sci. 2 Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 2 Mon. Chem. 2 Mikol. Fitopatol. 2 Mar. Biol. 2 Lithol. Miner. Resour. 2 Landsc. Urban Plan. 2 J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2 J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 2 J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Imm 2 J. Hist. Biol. 2 J. Environ. Radioact. 2 J. Cryst. Growth 2 Izv Vyssh Uch Zav Fiz 2 Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Khim 2 Isis 2 Impact Sci Soc 2 Hydrobiologia 2 Glass Phys. Chem. 2 Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 2 Geol. Ore Depos. 2 Fiziol Biokhim Kult Rast 2 Environment 2 Environ. Manage. 2 Ecology 2 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 2 C R Hebd Sean Acad Sci 2 Comput. Math. Appl. 2 Comput. Mater. Sci. 2 Biogeochemistry 2 Biochem.-Moscow 2 Atom. Energy 2 Ann.NY Acad.Sci. 2 Amer J Public Health Nation H 2 Adv Space Res 1 Z Meteorol 1 Zhurnal Tek. Fiz. 1 Zhurnal Nevropatol. Psikhiatrii Im. S S Korsakova 1 Zh Strukt Khim 1 Zh Mikrob Epidem Immun 1 Z Allg Mikrobiol 1 Vestn Rossiiskoi Acad Med Nau 1 Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Seriya 3 Fiz. Astronom. 1 Vestn. Dermatol. Venerol. 1 Vegetatio 1 Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk 1 Urban Ecol 1 Ukr. Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 1 Tsitologiya 1 Trends Ecol. Evol. 1 Tran Amer Inst Min Met Eng 1 Toxicol Environ Chem 1 Thermochim. Acta 1 Ter. Arkhiv 1 Syst Anal Model Simul 1 Surv. Geophys. 1 Stratigr. Geol. Correl. 1 Space Sci. Rev. 1 Space Life Sci 1 Sov Radiochem-Engl Tr 1 Sov Plant Physiol-Engl Tr 1 Sov Phys-Cryst Engl Transl 1 Sov Atomic Energy-Ussr 1 Sov Astron Ussr 1 Soil Sci Soc Amer Proc 1 Soc. Stud. Sci. 1 Sci. Total Environ. 1 Sci Stud 1 Sci. Mar. 1 Sci. Context 1 Russ. Metall. 1 Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 1 Russ. J. Appl. Chem. 1 Russ Chem Rev-Engl Tr 1 Rev. Geophys. 1 Rev Ecol Biol Sol 1 Refractories-Engl Tr 1 Recherche 1 Radiochim. Acta 1 Radiat. Res. 1 Radiat. Meas. 1 Quat. Int. 1 Quart Rev 1 Pure Appl. Chem. 1 Prog. Oceanogr. 1 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 1 Presse Med. 1 Plant Physiol. 1 Planet Space Sci. 1 Phys Status Solidi 1 Pet. Chem. 1 Parazitologiya 1 Ore Geol. Rev. 1 Oil Shale 1 Oil Gas Sci. Technol. 1 Oecol Plant 1 Nature 1 Miner. Depos. 1 Mineral Mag J Mineral Soc 1 Mineral. Mag. 1 Mar. Ecol.-Pubbl. Stn. Zool. Napoli 1 Makromol Chem-Rap Comm 1 Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1 Landsc. Ecol. 1 Kybernetes 1 Kolloid-Z 1 J. Phys. IV 1 J. Phys. Chem. 1 J. Pet. Geol. 1 J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 1 J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1 J. Mol. Struct. 1 J. Mol. Liq. 1 J Metals 1 J Inorg Chem-Engl Tr 1 J. Geol. 1 J. Geochem. Explor. 1 J. Fish Biol. 1 J. Environ. Monit. 1 J. Chem. Educ. 1 JBIS-J. Br. Interplanet. Soc. 1 J. Biol. Chem. 1 J Anal Chem Ussr-Engl Tr 1 Izv Vyssh Uch Zav Radiofizika 1 Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Fiz 1 Izv Akad Nauk Ser Geolog 1 Izv. Akad. Nauk. Fiz. Atmos. Okean. Biol. 1 Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell. 1 Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 1 Int. J. Coal Geol. 1 Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 1 Hosp. Pract. 1 Hist. Stud. Phys. Biol. Sci. 1 Hist. Philos. Life Sci. 1 Her. Russ. Acad. Sci. 1 Helv. Chim. Acta 1 Glob. Planet. Change 1 Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 1 Glass Ceram. 1 Geomicrobiol. J. 1 Geol. Mag. 1 Geoderma 1 Gen Syst 1 Genetika 1 Gematol. Transfuziol. 1 Fed Proc 1 Experientia 1 Environ Space Sci-Ussr 1 Environ. Pollut. 1 Entomol. Exp. Appl. 1 Endeavour 1 Eksp Onkol 1 Ecosyst. Health 1 Ecosystems 1 Ecologist 1 Ecol Bull 1 Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 1 Dokl Soil Sci Ussr 1 Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk 1 Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 1 Deut Arch Klin Med 1 Desalination 1 Curr. Sci. 1 Cryst. Res. Technol. 1 Crystallogr. Rep. 1 C R Acad Sci Ser D 1 C R Acad Sci Ser C 1 Corrosion 1 Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 1 Combust. Explos. 1 Clin. Chem. 1 Chem. Geol. 1 Cell. Immunol. 1 Catena 1 Can. J. Microbiol. 1 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1 Bull Mineral 1 Bull. Math. Biol. 1 Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1 Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 1 Bot. Rev. 1 Biophysics-Engl Tr 1 Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 1 Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philosophic. Soc. 1 Biol. Rev. 1 Bioelectromagnetics 1 Ber. Landwirtsch. 1 Autom. Remote Control 1 Aust. Vet. J. 1 Ark Mineral Och Geol 1 Arch. Sci. 1 Arch. Hydrobiol. 1 Appl. Geochem. 1 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1 Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 1 Ann. Sci. 1 Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 1 Analyst 1 Anal. Chim. Acta 1 Anal. Chem. 1 Am. Zool. 1 Am. Math. Mon. 1 Am. Anthropol. 1 Agrochimica 1 Adv. Phys. 1 Advan Space Sci Technol 1 Advan Ecol Res 1 Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 1 Acta Agron Acad Sci Hung 1 AAPG Bull.-Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Собственно статьи: @Article{Hutchinson:1945-29:RAR, author = "G. E. Hutchinson", title = "Aluminum in soils, plants, and animals", journal = "Soil Sci.", year = "1945", month = "", volume = "60", number = "1", pages = "29--40", language = "English", } @Article{Kerr:1945-483:RAR, author = "P. F. Kerr", title = "Cattierite and vaesite - new co-ni minerals from the belgian congo", journal = "Am. Miner.", year = "1945", month = "", volume = "30", number = "7-8", pages = "483--497", language = "English", } @Article{Mauguin:1945-157:RAR, author = "C. Mauguin", title = "Vernadsky,wladimir", journal = "C R Hebd Sean Acad Sci", year = "1945", month = "", volume = "221", number = "6", pages = "157--161", language = "English", } @Article{Mitchell:1945-625:RAR, author = "H. H. Mitchell and T. S. Hamilton and F. R. Steggerda and H. W. Bean", title = "The chemical composition of the adult human body and its bearing on the biochemistry of growth", journal = "J. Biol. Chem.", year = "1945", month = "", volume = "158", number = "3", pages = "625--637", language = "English", } @Article{Kamen:1946-110:RAR, author = "M. D. Kamen", title = "Survey of contemporary knowledge of biogeochemistry .1. Isotopic phenomena in biogeochemistry", journal = "Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.", year = "1946", month = "", volume = "87", number = "2", pages = "110--138", language = "English", } @Article{Libby:1946-671:RAR, author = "W. F. Libby", title = "Atmospheric helium three and radiocarbon from cosmic radiation", journal = "Phys Rev", year = "1946", month = "", volume = "69", number = "11-1", pages = "671--672", language = "English", } @Article{Anderson:1947-931:RAR, author = "E. C. Anderson and W. F. Libby and S. Weinhouse and A. F. Reid and A. D. Kirshenbaum and A. V. Grosse", title = "Natural radiocarbon from cosmic radiation", journal = "Phys Rev", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "72", number = "10", pages = "931--936", language = "English", } @Article{Grosse:1947-88:SCI, author = "A. V. Grosse and W. F. Libby", title = "Cosmic radiocarbon and natural radioactivity of living matter", journal = "Science", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "106", number = "2743", pages = "88--89", language = "English", } @Article{Haberlandt:1947-293:RAR, author = "H. Haberlandt", title = "*Die bedeutung der spurenelemente in der geochemischen forschung", journal = "Mon. Chem.", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "77", number = "1-5", pages = "293--323", language = "English", } @Article{Leitmeier:1947-264:RAR, author = "H. Leitmeier and H. Barber", title = "*Mangangehalte einiger tertiarer boden in osterreich - ein beitrag zur geochemie des mangans", journal = "Mon. Chem.", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "77", number = "1-5", pages = "264--281", language = "English", } @Article{Stadnichenko:1947-181:RAR, author = "T. M. Stadnichenko", title = "Vernadsky,vladimir,ivanovich - memorial", journal = "Am. Miner.", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "32", number = "3-4", pages = "181--188", language = "English", } @Article{Titova:1947-673:RAR, author = "A. N. Titova", title = "On the nature of synthetic alumosilicate catalysts and on the mechanism of contact-catalytic transformations in presence of these catalysts", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "17", number = "4", pages = "673--680", language = "Russian", } @Article{Vraskii:1947-723:ZTF, author = "S. B. Vraskii and D. B. Gogoberidze and M. N. Flerova", title = "Figury udara na kristallakh kamennoi soli", journal = "Zhurnal Tek. Fiz.", year = "1947", month = "", volume = "17", number = "6", pages = "723-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Afanasev:1948-677:DAN, author = "G. D. Afanasev", title = "*{O} strontsii v mineralakh pegmatitovykh i gidrotermalnykh derivatov kaledonskikh intruzii zapadnogo kavkaza", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "62", number = "5", pages = "677--679", language = "English", } @Article{Bobrovnik:1948-311:DAN, author = "D. P. Bobrovnik", title = "*Skapolit iz kristallicheskogo izvestnyaka (ksenolita) granodioritovogo karera okrestnostei st gnivani vinnitskoi oblasti", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "59", number = "2", pages = "311--313", language = "English", } @Article{Bron:1948-125:DAN, author = "V. A. Bron", title = "*{O} sostave i strukture kapel iz dinasovogo svoda martenovskoi pechi", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "62", number = "1", pages = "125--127", language = "English", } @Article{Glebovskaya:1948-1440:RAR, author = "E. A. Glebovskaya and M. V. Volkenshtein", title = "Spektry porfirinov v neftyakh i bitumakh", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "18", number = "8", pages = "1440--1451", language = "English", } @Article{Khmelevskaya:1948-713:DAN, author = "L. V. Khmelevskaya and N. G. Morozova and K. I. Taganov and S. M. Katchenkov and L. A. Voitsekhovich", title = "{K} voprosu o paragenezise titana, organicheskogo ugleroda i nekotorykh drugikh elementov", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "63", number = "6", pages = "713--715", language = "English", } @Article{Mellinghoff:1948-333:RAR, author = "K. Mellinghoff", title = "*Der magnesiumgehalt des blutes bei inanition", journal = "Deut Arch Klin Med", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "193", number = "3", pages = "333--341", language = "English", } @Article{Mustafin:1948-1015:DAN, author = "I. S. Mustafin", title = "{K} probleme genezisa sernistykh neftei", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "60", number = "6", pages = "1015--1018", language = "English", } @Article{Serdyuchenko:1948-1561:DAN, author = "D. P. Serdyuchenko", title = "{O} khimicheskoi konstitutsii khloritov", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "60", number = "9", pages = "1561--1564", language = "English", } @Article{Shkabara:1948-105:DAN, author = "M. N. Shkabara", title = "{K} voprosu o prevrashcheniyakh v tseolitakh", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "60", number = "1", pages = "105--108", language = "English", } @Article{Teis:1948-365:DAN, author = "R. V. Teis", title = "*Izotopnyi sostav iskopaemykh ldov", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "62", number = "3", pages = "365--367", language = "English", } @Article{Yakovlev:1948-313:RAR, author = "P. I. Yakovlev", title = "Motility, behavior and the brain - stereodynamic organization and neural co-ordinates of behavior", journal = "J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.", year = "1948", month = "", volume = "107", number = "4", pages = "313--335", language = "English", } @Article{Aivazov:1949-402:RAR, author = "B. V. Aivazov and M. B. Neiman and V. L. Talroze", title = "*Radioaktivnye izotopy ugleroda i ikh primenenie", journal = "Uspekhi Khimii", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "18", number = "4", pages = "402--448", language = "English", } @Article{Belov:1949-185:DAN, author = "N. V. Belov and E. N. Belova", title = "Kristallicheskaya struktura turmalina", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "69", number = "2", pages = "185--188", language = "English", } @Article{Gibson:1949-263:RAR, author = "D. T. Gibson", title = "The terrestrial distribution of the elements", journal = "Quart Rev", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "3", number = "3", pages = "263--291", language = "English", } @Article{Katchenkov:1949-709:DAN, author = "S. M. Katchenkov", title = "{O} nakhozhdenii bora v zolakh neftei", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "65", number = "5", pages = "709--710", language = "English", } @Article{Malyuga:1949-1057:DAN, author = "D. P. Malyuga", title = "*{K} voprosu o soderzhanii kobalta, nikelya, medi i drugikh elementov semeistva zheleza v osadkakh chernogo morya", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "67", number = "6", pages = "1057--1060", language = "English", } @Article{Moleva:1949-127:DAN, author = "V. A. Moleva", title = "{K} voprosu o roli kompleksnykh soedinenii i tverdykh rastvorov v ogneuporakh", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "68", number = "1", pages = "127--130", language = "English", } @Article{Obut:1949-475:DAN, author = "A. M. Obut", title = "{O} metodike izucheniya graptolitov", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "66", number = "3", pages = "475--478", language = "English", } @Article{Shimkin:1949-58:SCI, author = "D. B. Shimkin", title = "Uranium deposits in the ussr", journal = "Science", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "109", number = "2821", pages = "58--60", language = "English", } @Article{Shkabara:1949-429:DAN, author = "M. N. Shkabara", title = "{K} mineralogii desmina i molibdenita iz srednego urala", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "69", number = "3", pages = "429--431", language = "English", } @Article{Vinogradova:1949-891:DAN, author = "Z. A. Vinogradova", title = "{O} khimicheskom sostave bespozvonochnykh chernogo morya", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1949", month = "", volume = "65", number = "6", pages = "891--894", language = "English", } @Article{Black:1950-45:RAR, author = "W. A. P. Black", title = "The seasonal variation in weight and chemical composition of the common british laminariaceae", journal = "J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K.", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "29", number = "1", pages = "45--72", language = "English", } @Article{Gruner:1950-88:RAR, author = "E. Gruner and R. E. Vogel", title = "Das quellungsverhalten von bentoniten in abhangigkeit von der kationensorption", journal = "Kolloid-Z", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "116", number = "2", pages = "88--99", language = "English", } @Article{Kuzmenko:1950-767:DAN, author = "M. V. Kuzmenko", title = "Khaltsedonovidnyi natrolit v pegmatitakh shchelochnykh magm", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "72", number = "4", pages = "767--770", language = "English", } @Article{Malyuga:1950-257:DAN, author = "D. P. Malyuga", title = "{O} biogeokhimicheskikh provintsiyakh na yuzhnom urale", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "70", number = "2", pages = "257--259", language = "English", } @Article{Trofimov:1950-45:DAN, author = "A. V. Trofimov", title = "Statistika vremeni zhizni atomnykh yader i stabilnost prirodnykh elementov", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "74", number = "1", pages = "45--48", language = "English", } @Article{Trofimov:1950-663:DAN, author = "A. V. Trofimov", title = "Sootnoshenie izotopov ugleroda v meteoritakh", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "72", number = "4", pages = "663--666", language = "English", } @Article{Wilde:1950-360:RAR, author = "S. A. Wilde", title = "Crypto-mull humus - its properties and growth effects - a contribution to the classification of forest humus", journal = "Soil Sci Soc Amer Proc", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "15", number = "", pages = "360--362", language = "English", } @Article{Yurk:1950-595:DAN, author = "Y. Y. Yurk and S. M. Ryabokon", title = "Ob istochnikakh rutila v allyuvialnykh otlozheniyakh", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1950", month = "", volume = "74", number = "3", pages = "595--598", language = "English", } @Article{Anderson:1951-64:RAR, author = "E. C. Anderson and W. F. Libby", title = "World-wide distribution of natural radiocarbon", journal = "Phys Rev", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "81", number = "1", pages = "64--69", language = "English", } @Article{Ballod:1951-161:RAR, author = "A. P. Ballod and K. V. Topchieva", title = "*Priroda kataliticheskogo deistviya alyumosilikatov", journal = "Uspekhi Khimii", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "20", number = "2", pages = "161--175", language = "English", } @Article{Borchert:1951-62:RAR, author = "H. Borchert", title = "*Zur geochemie des kohlenstoffs", journal = "Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "2", number = "1", pages = "62--75", language = "English", } @Article{Budnikov:1951-125:RAR, author = "P. P. Budnikov and K. O. Gevorkyan", title = "Nekotorye voprosy teorii obrazovaniya farforovogo cherepka", journal = "Zh Prikl Khim", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "24", number = "2", pages = "125--133", language = "English", } @Article{Dansereau:1951-172:RAR, author = "P. Dansereau", title = "Description and recording of vegetation upon a structural basis", journal = "Ecology", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "32", number = "2", pages = "172--229", language = "English", } @Article{Kershner:1951-1138:RAR, author = "K. K. Kershner and C. W. Funk and W. A. Calhoun", title = "Low grade bauxites and clays as potential aluminum resources", journal = "J Metals", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "3", number = "12", pages = "1138--1142", language = "English", } @Article{Kershner:1951-1138:RAR, author = "K. K. Kershner and C. W. Funk and W. A. Calhoun", title = "Low grade bauxites and clays as potential aluminum resources", journal = "Tran Amer Inst Min Met Eng", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "191", number = "12", pages = "1138--1142", language = "English", } @Article{Kiselev:1951-393:DAN, author = "A. V. Kiselev and N. M. Kamakin", title = "*Absolyutnye izotermy adsorbtsii parov na silikagelyakh i alyumosilikagelyakh raznoi struktury", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "80", number = "3", pages = "393--396", language = "English", } @Article{Silverman:1951-26:RAR, author = "S. R. Silverman", title = "The isotope geology of oxygen", journal = "Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta", year = "1951", month = "", volume = "2", number = "1", pages = "26--42", language = "English", } @Article{Sokoloff:1951-284:RAR, author = "V. P. Sokoloff", title = "Geochemical exploration for copper in the wallaroo mining district, south australia", journal = "Geochim. Cosmochim. 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Vliyanie soderzhaniya kremnezema i okisi alyuminiya v sostave silikatov natriya na ikh razrushaemost v kislotakh", journal = "Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Khim", year = "1954", month = "", volume = "", number = "2", pages = "244--252", language = "English", } @Article{Klimenok:1954-281:DAN, author = "B. V. Klimenok and E. A. Andreev and V. A. Gordeeva", title = "*Izuchenie khimicheskikh reaktsii kataliticheskogo krekinga izooktana i normal-geksana kineticheskim metodom", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1954", month = "", volume = "94", number = "2", pages = "281--284", language = "English", } @Article{Nagornyi:1954-1016:RAR, author = "A. I. Nagornyi", title = "{K} voprosu o primenenii mirabilita v avtoklavnom proizvodstve", journal = "Zh Prikl Khim", year = "1954", month = "", volume = "27", number = "9", pages = "1016--1018", language = "English", } @Article{Persidsky:1954-484:RAR, author = "D. J. Persidsky and S. A. 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Chebotarev", title = "Metamorphism of natural waters in the crust of weathering .1", journal = "Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta", year = "1955", month = "", volume = "8", number = "1-2", pages = "22-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Gillot:1955-389:RAR, author = "F. Gillot", title = "Homeopathie et science objective - lhomoeomerie et ses incidences biologiques", journal = "Presse Med.", year = "1955", month = "", volume = "63", number = "19", pages = "389--390", language = "English", } @Article{Itkina:1955-521:DAN, author = "E. S. Itkina", title = "Rasprostranenie ioda i broma v otlozheniyakh uglenosnogo gorizonta saratovskogo povolzhya", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1955", month = "", volume = "101", number = "3", pages = "521--523", language = "English", } @Article{Panchenkov:1955-571:DAN, author = "G. M. Panchenkov and P. A. Akishin and N. N. 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Abramovich", title = "The peculiar traits in the distribution of fe, mn, cu and of trace elements in sedimentary rocks d2+3 of the near-tashkent region", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "116", number = "3", pages = "439--442", language = "Russian", } @Article{Barabanov:1957-876:DAN, author = "V. F. Barabanov", title = "Apophyllite from the gakman canyon at khibini", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "114", number = "4", pages = "876--879", language = "Russian", } @Article{Barabanov:1957-938:DAN, author = "V. F. Barabanov", title = "Kozalite from the bukuka deposit", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "112", number = "5", pages = "938-\&", language = "Russian", } @Article{Besedin:1957-229:DAN, author = "V. V. Besedin", title = "The genesis of quartz in iron formations of krivoy rog", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "112", number = "2", pages = "229-\&", language = "Russian", } @Article{Panchenkov:1957-1276:DAN, author = "G. M. Panchenkov and Z. V. Griaznova and I. M. Kuvshinnikov", title = "Ionic exchange on aluminum silicate catalysts in an alkali flow with short contact times", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "114", number = "6", pages = "1276--1279", language = "Russian", } @Article{Smales:1957-539:RAR, author = "A. A. Smales and J. Smit and H. Irving", title = "Determination of indium in rocks and minerals by radioactivation", journal = "Analyst", year = "1957", month = "", volume = "82", number = "977", pages = "539--549", language = "English", } @Article{Vlassiuk:1957-769:DAN, author = "P. A. Vlassiuk and G. V. Porutsky and S. V. 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Ivanov", title = "Thallium in endogenous deposits of the urals", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "122", number = "5", pages = "883--885", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kapustinsky:1958-429:RAR, author = "A. F. Kapustinsky", title = "To a new conception of the internal constitution of the earth", journal = "Experientia", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "14", number = "12", pages = "429--434", language = "English", } @Article{Karzev:1958-998:DAN, author = "A. A. Karzev and A. I. Slakov", title = "Organic phosphorus in petroleum", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "118", number = "5", pages = "998--999", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kortsenstein:1958-573:DAN, author = "V. N. Kortsenstein", title = "New data concerning gas saturation of underground waters of the paleogene strata of central ciscaucasia, as related to the problems of formation of new gas fields", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "118", number = "3", pages = "573--576", language = "Russian", } @Article{Krylov:1958-889:DAN, author = "A. J. Krylov and Y. I. Silin", title = "The period of metamorphism of the ancient deposits in the northern zone of the tian-shan", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "122", number = "5", pages = "889--891", language = "Russian", } @Article{Lapham:1958-921:RAR, author = "D. M. Lapham", title = "Structural and chemical variation in chromium chlorite", journal = "Am. Miner.", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "43", number = "9-10", pages = "921--956", language = "English", } @Article{Lavrukhina:1958-517:RAR, author = "A. K. Lavrukhina", title = "Sovremennoe sostoyanie yadernoi khimii", journal = "Uspekhi Khimii", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "27", number = "5", pages = "517--550", language = "English", } @Article{Pleshchitser:1958-429:RAR, author = "A. L. Pleshchitser", title = "Biological role of magnesium", journal = "Clin. Chem.", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "4", number = "6", pages = "429--450", language = "English", } @Article{Sindeeva:1958-353:DAN, author = "N. D. Sindeeva and N. Z. Kurbanova", title = "The clarks of selenium and some soviet-union rocks", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "120", number = "2", pages = "353--355", language = "Russian", } @Article{Tkachuk:1958-1176:DAN, author = "V. G. Tkachuk", title = "The types of thermae at the sayany-baikal highland", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1958", month = "", volume = "118", number = "6", pages = "1176--1179", language = "Russian", } @Article{Vznuzdaev:1958-792:DAN, author = "S. 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Uber das verhalten von bakterien auf der oberflache von gesteinen und mineralien und ihre rolle bei der verwitterung", journal = "Z Allg Mikrobiol", year = "1967", month = "", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "33-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Gavshin:1968-442:DAN, author = "V. M. Gavshin", title = "Causes underlying formation of native elements at surface of lithosphere", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1968", month = "", volume = "180", number = "2", pages = "442-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Ghilarov:1968-82:RAR, author = "M. S. Ghilarov", title = "Soil stratum of terrestrial biocenoses", journal = "Pedobiologia", year = "1968", month = "", volume = "8", number = "1", pages = "82-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Manskaya:1968-326:RAR, author = "S. M. Manskaya and L. A. 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New problems to be solved by geological sciences", journal = "Z Angew Geol", year = "1968", month = "", volume = "14", number = "6", pages = "284-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Tsyganen.Af:1968-482:RAR, author = "Tsyganen.Af", title = "Aeolian migration of salts and its possible geochemical and soil-forming importance", journal = "Sov Soil Sci-Ussr", year = "1968", month = "", volume = "", number = "4", pages = "482-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Vucinich:1968-1208:SCI, author = "A. Vucinich", title = "Science and morality - a soviet dilemma - leading soviet scientists search for a broader cultural autonomy of science", journal = "Science", year = "1968", month = "", volume = "159", number = "3820", pages = "1208-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Abaturov:1969-608:RAR, author = "B. D. Abaturov and L. V. 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Voitov", title = "On composition of underground atmosphere at large depths in near-caspian depression (from data of hd-1 aral-sor hole)", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1969", month = "", volume = "184", number = "1", pages = "203-\&", language = "Russian", } @Article{Zharkov:1969-913:DAN, author = "M. A. Zharkov", title = "On scale of accumulation at cambrian period", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1969", month = "", volume = "184", number = "4", pages = "913-\&", language = "Russian", } @Article{Cowgill:1970-1:RAR, author = "U. M. Cowgill", title = "Hydrogeochemistry of linsley-pond-north-branford-connecticut .1. Introduction, field work and chemistry by x-ray emission spectroscopy", journal = "Arch. Hydrobiol.", year = "1970", month = "", volume = "68", number = "1", pages = "1-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Fallon:1970-608:RAR, author = "G. R. Fallon", title = "Veterinarians environment", journal = "Aust. Vet. 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Lazarenkov", title = "Non-equivalence of microelement composition of alkaline effusive and intrusive rocks", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "", number = "7", pages = "1103--1108", language = "Russian", } @Article{Lomteva:1978-564:RAR, author = "S. A. Lomteva and M. K. Kydynov", title = "System of cobalt(ii) chloride-lysine monochlorohydrate-water at 25-degrees-c", journal = "Zhurnal Neorg. Khimii", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "23", number = "2", pages = "564--565", language = "Russian", } @Article{Maurin:1978-149:RAR, author = "A. M. Maurin", title = "Problems of bioecological forecasting", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "39", number = "2", pages = "149--159", language = "Russian", } @Article{Osichkina:1978-921:RAR, author = "R. G. Osichkina", title = "Rubidium and cesium in salt deposits of upper-jurassic halogene formation south part of middle-asia, as indicator of conditions of their formation", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "", number = "6", pages = "921--925", language = "Russian", } @Article{Pyavchenko:1978-509:RAR, author = "N. I. Pyavchenko", title = "Mire formation from biogeocenological point of view", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "39", number = "4", pages = "509--520", language = "Russian", } @Article{Rees:1978-189:RAR, author = "W. E. Rees", title = "Quest of natural man - human-behavior and design", journal = "Urban Ecol", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "3", number = "2", pages = "189--201", language = "English", } @Article{Saenko:1978-243:RAR, author = "G. N. Saenko and Y. Y. Kravtsova and V. V. Ivanenko and S. I. Sheludko", title = "Concentration of iodine and bromine by plants in seas of japan and okhotsk", journal = "Mar. Biol.", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "47", number = "3", pages = "243--250", language = "English", } @Article{Shchepak:1978-291:RAR, author = "V. M. Shchepak", title = "Some aspects of study of underground water radioactivity in oil-bearing and gas-bearing provinces", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "", number = "2", pages = "291--296", language = "Russian", } @Article{Shcherbina:1978-1283:RAR, author = "V. V. Shcherbina", title = "Chemical-reactions in natural sulfide systems", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "", number = "9", pages = "1283--1292", language = "Russian", } @Article{Urmantsev:1978-699:RAR, author = "Y. A. Urmantsev", title = "What can concert of an object as a system in a system of objects same kind give to a biologist", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "39", number = "5", pages = "699--718", language = "Russian", } @Article{Wyckoff:1978-148:RAR, author = "R. W. G. Wyckoff", title = "Interdependence of the mineral and the living worlds", journal = "Bull Mineral", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "101", number = "2", pages = "148--154", language = "French", } @Article{Yusufov:1978-657:RAR, author = "A. G. Yusufov", title = "Homeostasis and regulation in plants (to problem of evolution of ontogenesis)", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1978", month = "", volume = "39", number = "5", pages = "657--670", language = "Russian", } @Article{Zaichko:1978-23:RAR, author = "N. D. Zaichko and B. G. Ovcharenko and S. M. Okhotskii and S. A. 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Lisitsyn", title = "Iodine accumulation in borehole interstitial water of the black sea", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1979", month = "", volume = "248", number = "3", pages = "735--738", language = "Russian", } @Article{Stebaev:1979-5:RAR, author = "I. V. Stebaev", title = "Animal population and biogenic spatial-functional organization of bio-geo-cenosis", journal = "Zool. Zhurnal", year = "1979", month = "", volume = "58", number = "1", pages = "5--16", language = "Russian", } @Article{Stegailov:1979-429:RAR, author = "R. A. Stegailov", title = "Possibility of study of malignant growth from the viewpoint of the concept of biological dissymmetry", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1979", month = "", volume = "40", number = "3", pages = "429--441", language = "Russian", } @Article{Vlasyuk:1979-195:RAR, author = "P. A. Vlasyuk and Z. M. Klimovitskaya and L. A. Khmara and L. M. 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Udelnova", title = "Reduction by iron compounds in the evolution of photoautotrophic development", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "252", number = "2", pages = "486--488", language = "Russian", } @Article{Eremeev:1980-1485:DAN, author = "A. N. Eremeev and I. N. Ianitskii", title = "Excess pressure of fluid in the lithosphere upper part, fixed in helium field", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "251", number = "6", pages = "1485--1489", language = "Russian", } @Article{Gheghamyan:1980-581:RAR, author = "G. V. Gheghamyan", title = "On vernadsky,v.i. Biospherology", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "41", number = "4", pages = "581--595", language = "Russian", } @Article{Ghilarov:1980-325:RAR, author = "M. S. Ghilarov", title = "Biogeocenology and the theory of natural-selection - to the centennary of sukachev,v.n. 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Ostroushko", title = "Role of microorganisms in spodumene degradation", journal = "Microbiology", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "49", number = "3", pages = "402--406", language = "English", } @Article{Kaznacheyev:1980-74:RAR, author = "V. P. Kaznacheyev and V. Y. Kulikov", title = "Syndrome of polar straining and some problems of ecology of man in high-latitudes", journal = "Vestn Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "1", pages = "74--82", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kedrov:1980-252:RAR, author = "B. M. Kedrov and K. B. Serebrovskaya", title = "Origin and nature of life and its philosophical aspects", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "25", number = "3", pages = "252--275", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kovalchuk:1980-1889:RAR, author = "A. V. Kovalchuk and D. I. Kriklivyi and A. I. Klimovich and V. V. 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Lepky", title = "On biogenic aspects of uranium concentrations under recent sedimentation", journal = "Dopov Akad Nauk Ukr Rsr B-Geo", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "8", pages = "15--18", language = "Ukrainian", } @Article{Lukashev:1980-445:RAR, author = "V. K. Lukashev and L. I. Vasilieva and V. S. Gurevichdobrovolskaya", title = "The amorphous silica distribution in cenozoic deposits in the south of byelorussia", journal = "Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belarusi", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "24", number = "5", pages = "445--448", language = "Russian", } @Article{Mekler:1980-460:RAR, author = "L. B. Mekler", title = "Origin of living cells - evolution of biologically significant molecules as the transition of chemical into biological evolution - a new approach to the problem", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "25", number = "4", pages = "460--473", language = "Russian", } @Article{Nesis:1980-92:RAR, author = "K. N. Nesis", title = "Associations, formations, facies", journal = "Biol Morya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "3", pages = "92--96", language = "Russian", } @Article{Perelman:1980-71:RAR, author = "A. I. Perelman", title = "Paleogeochemical landscape maps", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "1", pages = "71--83", language = "Russian", } @Article{Polunin:1980-271:RAR, author = "N. Polunin", title = "Suggested actions for the forthcoming world decade of the biosphere", journal = "Environ. Conserv.", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "271--278", language = "English", } @Article{Pozdnyakova:1980-3:RAR, author = "L. A. Pozdnyakova", title = "Calcium-magnesium thermometry in marine ecology", journal = "Biol Morya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "2", pages = "3--14", language = "Russian", } @Article{Rabotnov:1980-1207:DAN, author = "V. T. Rabotnov and I. B. Kulibakina and O. A. Arefieva and N. D. Guliaeva", title = "Relict hydrocarbons in rocks of the siberian platform crystalline basement", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "252", number = "5", pages = "1207--1210", language = "Russian", } @Article{Sheftal:1980-1017:RAR, author = "N. N. Sheftal", title = "On the statistical and dynamical equilibrium forms of crystals", journal = "Kristallografiya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "25", number = "5", pages = "1017--1023", language = "Russian", } @Article{Shishkina:1980-513:RAR, author = "O. V. Shishkina and G. A. Pavlova and A. B. Isaeva and A. Y. Shevchenko", title = "Metamorphization of the basic salt composition of the interstitial water of the baltic sea", journal = "Okeanologiya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "20", number = "3", pages = "513--519", language = "Russian", } @Article{Shvartsev:1980-448:DAN, author = "S. L. Shvartsev", title = "Geochemical cycle of water in the earth crust", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "255", number = "2", pages = "448--450", language = "Russian", } @Article{Titaeva:1980-974:DAN, author = "N. A. Titaeva", title = "Radioisotopes in the cl-ca brines", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "251", number = "4", pages = "974--976", language = "Russian", } @Article{Tyulpanov:1980-496:RAR, author = "V. I. Tyulpanov", title = "Genesis of solonetzes in central ciscaucasia formed on the weathering products of tertiary clays", journal = "Sov Soil Sci", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "12", number = "5", pages = "496--507", language = "English", } @Article{Vetrin:1980-387:RAR, author = "V. R. Vetrin", title = "Typomorphous parageneses of titanium-bearing minerals in amphibole-biotite granitic-rocks", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "", number = "3", pages = "387--396", language = "Russian", } @Article{Vinogradova:1980-766:RAR, author = "N. G. Vinogradova", title = "Academician zenkevich,l.a. Teaching on the biological structure of the ocean", journal = "Okeanologiya", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "20", number = "5", pages = "766--773", language = "Russian", } @Article{Voitsekhovskii:1980-487:RAR, author = "B. V. Voitsekhovskii", title = "Problem of the tunguska meteorite", journal = "Combust. Explos.", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "16", number = "5", pages = "487--489", language = "English", } @Article{White:1980-183:SCI, author = "G. F. White", title = "Environment", journal = "Science", year = "1980", month = "", volume = "209", number = "4452", pages = "183--190", language = "English", } @Article{Boichenko:1981-565:RAR, author = "E. A. Boichenko and T. M. Udelnova and V. E. Zarin", title = "The reductive capacity of iron compounds in the course of plant evolution", journal = "Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Biol", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "", number = "4", pages = "565--572", language = "Russian", } @Article{Filatov:1981-3:RAR, author = "V. G. Filatov", title = "Historical and evolutionary preconditions for the formation of landscape epidemiology of helminthoses", journal = "Parazitologiya", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "15", number = "1", pages = "3--9", language = "Russian", } @Article{Ganev:1981-355:RAR, author = "S. I. Ganev", title = "Physicochemistry of soil adsorbent as a quantitative system for soil classification", journal = "Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "34", number = "3", pages = "355--358", language = "French", } @Article{Germanov:1981-106:RAR, author = "A. I. Germanov and I. A. Borzenkov and I. F. Yusupova", title = "Carbonate rock transformations at loci of the development of biogenic sulfate-reductions and methane-formation", journal = "Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Geol", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "", number = "5", pages = "106--113", language = "Russian", } @Article{Holloway:1981-159:RAR, author = "D. Holloway", title = "Entering the nuclear arms-race - the soviet decision to build the atomic-bomb, 1939-45", journal = "Soc. Stud. Sci.", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "11", number = "2", pages = "159--197", language = "English", } @Article{Khailov:1981-3:RAR, author = "K. M. Khailov", title = "Marine biochemistry - development, present state and practical aspects", journal = "Biol Morya", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "", number = "2", pages = "3--14", language = "Russian", } @Article{Khomiakov:1981-1229:DAN, author = "A. P. Khomiakov and N. P. Iushkin", title = "Inheritance principle in the crystallogenesis", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "256", number = "5", pages = "1229--1233", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kodva:1981-209:RAR, author = "V. Kodva", title = "Irrigation and carbon-dioxide - virtual value - reply", journal = "Clim. Change", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "3", number = "2", pages = "209--211", language = "English", } @Article{Kostyrko:1981-186:DAN, author = "N. A. 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Nomokonov", title = "Ecology, biogeocenology, and their place in the system of sciences", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "42", number = "6", pages = "805--813", language = "Russian", } @Article{Pozdniakova:1981-739:DAN, author = "L. A. Pozdniakova and E. V. Krasnov", title = "New data on the correlation between the magnesium content in reef-building corals and their taxonomy and growth-stages", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "260", number = "3", pages = "739--740", language = "Russian", } @Article{Smirnov:1981-124:RAR, author = "B. I. Smirnov", title = "Systemic approach to geologic phenomena in vernadskii,v.i. Works", journal = "Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Ser Geol", year = "1981", month = "", volume = "", number = "5", pages = "124--131", language = "Russian", } @Article{Udelnova:1981-741:DAN, author = "T. M. Udelnova and M. B. Gnilovskaia and E. A. 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On the role of people and personality in development of science", journal = "Vestn Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "", number = "1", pages = "119--129", language = "Russian", } @Article{Orlenok:1983-88:RAR, author = "V. V. Orlenok", title = "Late phanerozoic paleogeography of the world ocean", journal = "Tikhookean Geol", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "", number = "4", pages = "88--100", language = "Russian", } @Article{Pavlovskiy:1983-454:RAR, author = "Y. V. Pavlovskiy and M. Z. Glukhovskiy", title = "The problem of thermotectogenesis", journal = "Geotectonics-Engl Tr", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "16", number = "6", pages = "454--465", language = "English", } @Article{Shukolyukov:1983-333:RAR, author = "Y. A. Shukolyukov", title = "Problems of geochemistry of radiogenic isotopes", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "", number = "3", pages = "333--347", language = "Russian", } @Article{Simakov:1983-206:DAN, author = "S. K. Simakov", title = "Carbon formation in the mantle fluid under the interaction of nitrogen with methane", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "268", number = "1", pages = "206--210", language = "Russian", } @Article{Stepanov:1983-30:RAR, author = "I. N. Stepanov", title = "Symmetry of soil space", journal = "Sov Soil Sci", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "15", number = "4", pages = "30--32", language = "English", } @Article{Stepanov:1983-941:DAN, author = "I. N. Stepanov", title = "Symmetry of the soil space", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "269", number = "4", pages = "941--943", language = "Russian", } @Article{Svorcova:1983-37:RAR, author = "L. Svorcova", title = "The diagnostics of managanese bacteria", journal = "Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol.", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "11", number = "1", pages = "37--45", language = "German", } @Article{Urusov:1983-323:RAR, author = "V. S. Urusov", title = "Current point of view on the significance of the early works of vernadsky,v.i. On crystallography and crystal-chemistry", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "", number = "3", pages = "323--332", language = "Russian", } @Article{Vassoevich:1983-291:RAR, author = "N. B. Vassoevich and A. N. Ivanov", title = "Biosphere and megabiosphere", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1983", month = "", volume = "44", number = "3", pages = "291--304", language = "Russian", } @Article{Ablesimov:1984-110:RAR, author = "N. E. Ablesimov and N. V. Berdnikov and V. G. Lipatov and Y. V. Taltykin", title = "Gaseous sphere of the earth", journal = "Tikhookean Geol", year = "1984", month = "", volume = "", number = "5", pages = "110--113", language = "Russian", } @Article{Badalov:1984-1395:RAR, author = "S. T. Badalov", title = "Variety of geochemical properties of elements", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1984", month = "", volume = "", number = "10", pages = "1395--1399", language = "Russian", } @Article{Balkevich:1984-23:RAR, author = "V. L. Balkevich and A. V. Belyakov and E. R. Menkova", title = "Mullite and mullitelike compounds in the al2o3-sio2 system", journal = "Refractories-Engl Tr", year = "1984", month = "", volume = "25", number = "1-2", pages = "23--28", language = "English", } @Article{Batuev:1984-1011:RAR, author = "A. S. Batuev and L. P. Pavlova", title = "Principle of dominant in modern psychophysiology (to the 50th anniversary of ukhtomsky institute of physiology, zdanov-university, leningrad)", journal = "Zhurnal Vyss. Nervn. Deyatelnosti Im. I P Pavlov.", year = "1984", month = "", volume = "34", number = "6", pages = "1011--1021", language = "Russian", } @Article{Bogoch:1984-885:RAR, author = "R. Bogoch and H. Eldad and Y. 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Zarenkov", title = "Some consequences from the theory of natural-selection by darwin,charles", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1984", month = "", volume = "45", number = "1", pages = "49--58", language = "Russian", } @Article{Arabidze:1985-655:RAR, author = "G. G. Arabidze and S. M. Burkitbaev and Y. A. Bykovsky and A. I. Kutsenko and I. D. Laptev and E. A. Manykin and E. A. Petrenko and V. T. Timoshin", title = "Element analysis of sclerotic formations of large blood-vessels by laser mass-spectrometry", journal = "Biofizika", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "30", number = "4", pages = "655--660", language = "Russian", } @Article{Barrett:1985-423:RAR, author = "G. W. Barrett", title = "A problem-solving approach to resource-management", journal = "Bioscience", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "35", number = "7", pages = "423--427", language = "English", } @Article{Belkanova:1985-20:RAR, author = "N. P. Belkanova and G. I. Karavaiko and Z. A. 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Igamberdiev", title = "Time in biological-systems", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "46", number = "4", pages = "471--482", language = "Russian", } @Article{Khomich:1985-267:RAR, author = "V. S. Khomich", title = "Newly formed sulfide compounds in the soils as a result of natural and technogenic interactions", journal = "Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belarusi", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "29", number = "3", pages = "267--270", language = "Russian", } @Article{Koldits:1985-97:RAR, author = "L. Koldits", title = "Modern condition of the element chemistry, predicted by mendeleev,d.i", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "30", number = "1", pages = "97--99", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kortsenstein:1985-1177:DAN, author = "V. N. Kortsenstein", title = "Quantitative estimation of the earths degassing dynamics", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "281", number = "5", pages = "1177--1181", language = "Russian", } @Article{Korzh:1985-827:DAN, author = "V. D. Korzh", title = "Concentration of elements in the ocean as a geochemical factor", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "284", number = "4", pages = "827--830", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kozlov:1985-108:RAR, author = "M. P. Kozlov", title = "Driving forces of the epidemic process from the standpoint of dialectic materialist philosophy", journal = "Zh Mikrob Epidem Immun", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "", number = "4", pages = "108--113", language = "Russian", } @Article{Krasheninnikov:1985-908:DAN, author = "G. F. Krasheninnikov", title = "Biogenic sedimentary differentiation", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "281", number = "4", pages = "908--911", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kruger:1985-751:RAR, author = "P. Kruger and K. Erler", title = "Fersman,alexander,evgenyevich in berlin", journal = "Z Geol Wissenschaft", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "13", number = "6", pages = "751--757", language = "German", } @Article{Kuznetsov:1985-299:RAR, author = "V. A. Kuznetsov", title = "The geochemical study of landscapes - its status and problems", journal = "Impact Sci Soc", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "35", number = "4", pages = "299-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Lovelock:1985-52:RAR, author = "J. 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Plotnikov", title = "Problems and prospects of evolutionary biogeocoenology", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "46", number = "3", pages = "317--325", language = "Russian", } @Article{Postovit:1985-138:RAR, author = "V. Y. Postovit", title = "Physicians intuition", journal = "Klinicheskaya Meditsina", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "63", number = "10", pages = "138--140", language = "Russian", } @Article{Sedov:1985-60:RAR, author = "K. R. Sedov and L. M. Yanovsky", title = "Role of medico-geographic prognosis in prevention of dental-caries in children in new developing economic regions", journal = "Vestn Akad Med Nauk Sssr", year = "1985", month = "", volume = "", number = "11", pages = "60--67", language = "Russian", } @Article{Uspenskii:1985-600:RAR, author = "S. M. Uspenskii and A. N. Golovkin and V. I. Gurevich and N. G. 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Boichenko", title = "Participation of metals in evolution of biogeochemical processes of biosphere", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1986", month = jun, volume = "", number = "6", pages = "869--873", language = "Russian", } @Article{Bykovskii:1986-62:IVF, author = "Y. A. Bykovskii and V. T. Timoshin and I. D. Laptev and E. A. Manykin", title = "Correlation between the binding-energy of neutrons in nuclei and anomalous functioning of isotopes in medical-biological objects", journal = "Izv Vyssh Uch Zav Fiz", year = "1986", month = oct, volume = "29", number = "10", pages = "62--66", language = "Russian", } @Article{Chechetkin:1986-1:RAR, author = "V. R. Chechetkin and V. S. Lutovinov", title = "Continuous stochastic approach to birth and death processes and cooperative behavior of systems far from equilibrium", journal = "Nouvo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. B-Gen. Phys. Relativ. Astron. Math. Phys. 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Ivlev", title = "Fractionation of carbon isotopes in living cells and stages of biological evolution", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1986", month = sep # "-" # oct, volume = "47", number = "5", pages = "601--613", language = "Russian", } @Article{Korobushkina:1986-978:DAN, author = "E. D. Korobushkina and I. M. Korobushkin", title = "The interaction of gold with bacteria and the formation of new gold", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "287", number = "4", pages = "978-\&", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kraynov:1986-1285:RAR, author = "S. R. Kraynov and E. V. Dobrovolsky and L. I. Matveyeva and G. A. Solomin", title = "Geochemical analysis of the ability of ground waters of the sedimentation basins to form dolomite", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1986", month = sep, volume = "", number = "9", pages = "1285--1302", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kropotkin:1986-482:RAR, author = "P. N. Kropotkin", title = "Mendeleev,d.i. Hypothesis on inorganic origin of oil and its development in modern science", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "31", number = "5", pages = "482--486", language = "Russian", } @Article{Kropotkin:1986-540:RAR, author = "P. N. Kropotkin", title = "Earth degasification and genesis of hydrocarbons", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "31", number = "5", pages = "540--547", language = "Russian", } @Article{Lovelock:1986-392:RAR, author = "J. E. Lovelock", title = "Geophysiology - a new look at earth-science (reprinted from geophysiology in amazonia - vegetation and climate interactions)", journal = "Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc.", year = "1986", month = apr, volume = "67", number = "4", pages = "392--397", language = "English", } @Article{Malone:1986-6:RAR, author = "T. F. Malone", title = "Mission to planet earth - integrating studies of global change", journal = "Environment", year = "1986", month = oct, volume = "28", number = "8", pages = "6-\&", language = "English", } @Article{Mikhailovsky:1986-759:RAR, author = "G. E. Mikhailovsky and Y. A. Zakhvatkin", title = "Types of biological-systems and possible aspects of their consideration", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1986", month = nov # "-" # dec, volume = "47", number = "6", pages = "759--768", language = "Russian", } @Article{Omalev:1986-899:RAR, author = "V. T. Omalev", title = "Definition of conceptions of geochemical field, background and noise", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1986", month = jul, volume = "", number = "7", pages = "899--904", language = "Russian", } @Article{Orlenok:1986-207:RAR, author = "V. V. Orlenok", title = "The evolution of ocean basins during cenozoic time", journal = "J. Pet. 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Serebrovskaya", title = "Possible role of abiogenic oil in the life origin on earth", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "31", number = "5", pages = "512--517", language = "Russian", } @Article{Seryshev:1986-63:RAR, author = "V. A. Seryshev", title = "Classification and nomenclature of underwater soils", journal = "Sov Soil Sci", year = "1986", month = jul # "-" # aug, volume = "18", number = "4", pages = "63--70", language = "English", } @Article{Shcherbakov:1986-120:RAR, author = "A. V. Shcherbakov and N. D. Kozlova", title = "Occurrence of hydrogen in subsurface fluids and the relationship of anomalous concentrations to deep faults in the ussr", journal = "Geotectonics-Engl Tr", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "20", number = "2", pages = "120--128", language = "English", } @Article{Shvetsov:1986-136:RAR, author = "P. F. Shvetsov and A. A. 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Voitov", title = "Chemism and a degree of the current flow of natural gases in different rheostructural zones of earth", journal = "Zh Vses Khim Ob Mendeleeva", year = "1986", month = "", volume = "31", number = "5", pages = "533--540", language = "Russian", } @Article{Zenina:1986-402:RAR, author = "T. A. Zenina", title = "Coefficients of biologic absorption of the dispersed elements of land vegetation", journal = "Geokhimiya", year = "1986", month = mar, volume = "", number = "3", pages = "402--406", language = "Russian", } @Article{Agadzhanyan:1987-24:RAR, author = "N. A. Agadzhanyan", title = "Adaptation to extreme conditions and the organism resistance", journal = "Vestn Akad Med Nauk Sssr", year = "1987", month = "", volume = "", number = "6", pages = "24--28", language = "Russian", } @Article{Alexeeva:1987-44:RAR, author = "T. I. 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Kurkin", title = "Systemic-paragenetic method of study of the biosphere evolution and the principle of actualism", journal = "Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.", year = "1989", month = jul # "-" # aug, volume = "50", number = "4", pages = "516--528", language = "Russian", } @Article{Lovelock:1989-215:RAR, author = "J. E. Lovelock", title = "Geophysiology, the science of gaia", journal = "Rev. Geophys.", year = "1989", month = may, volume = "27", number = "2", pages = "215--222", language = "English", } @Article{Lovelock:1989-746:RAR, author = "J. E. Lovelock", title = "The 1st cooper,leslie, memorial lecture given at plymouth on 10 april 1989 gaia", journal = "J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K.", year = "1989", month = nov, volume = "69", number = "4", pages = "746--758", language = "English", } @Article{Mikhailovskii:1989-72:RAR, author = "G. E. 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Saenko", title = "Laws governing the concentration of metals and halogens by marine organisms", journal = "Dokl Akad Nauk Sssr", year = "1989", month = "", volume = "306", number = "3", pages = "759--763", language = "Russian", } @Article{Sheklakov:1989-20:RAR, author = "N. D. Sheklakov and M. V. Milich and R. I. Grakovich and E. I. Arkhangelskaya and M. E. Starchenko", title = "Current aspects of heliobiology in dermatology and venerology", journal = "Vestn. Dermatol. Venerol.", year = "1989", month = "", volume = "", number = "7", pages = "20--26", language = "Russian", } @Article{Simionescu:1989-601:RAR, author = "C. I. Simionescu and A. Chiriac and I. Neamtu and V. Rusan", title = "Influence of a magnetic-field on the emulsion copolymerization of vinyl-acetate with methyl-methacrylate and acrylamide", journal = "Makromol Chem-Rap Comm", year = "1989", month = nov, volume = "10", number = "11", pages = "601--606", language = "English", } @Article{Smirnov:1989-317:RAR, author = "N. 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