%%=========================== %% Книги В. И. ВЕРНАДСКОГО %% на иностранных языках %%=========================== @Book{, ALTauthor = {V. I. Vernadsky}, ALTeditor = {}, title = {Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon}, publisher = {Nongovermmental Ecological V.I. Vernadsky Foundation}, year = {1997}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {Moscow}, OPTedition = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @Book{, ALTauthor = {V. I. Vernadsky}, ALTeditor = {David B. Langmuir (Translator), Mark A. S. McMenamin, Vladimir Vernadsky, Jacques Grinevald (Introduction) }, title = {The Biosphere: Complete Annotated Edition. Translated by David Langmuir}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Copernicus Books}, year = {1998}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {New York}, OPTedition = {}, OPTmonth = jan, OPTnote = {208 pages, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/038798268X/qid%3D954574244/104-0004578-4258816}, OPTannote = { Though long unknown in the West, Vladimir Vernadsky's "The Biosphere", first published in Russian in 1926, revolutionized our view of life on Earth and formed the foundation of what we now know as Gaia theory. With this milestone publication, the first English translation of the entire text, English-speaking readers can at last read one of the great classics of modern science in their own language.} }